that none should perish
dedicated to sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with children and youth around the world
What is the biggest need the people have right now? I have been asked this question dozens of times since the April 16th earthquake. One answer continues to rise up amidst so much need… people need hope and they need purpose. It is the same need they had before that fateful day, but now it seen so clearly. As one lady shared, “All of the work we did, all of the struggle to grow our business, and now there is nothing to show for it. It would have been better if we had done nothing.” Like the “great fall” of the house built on sand in Christ’s teaching, the loss has given opportunity to see the vanity of life as never before. Now more than ever, the words of Jesus Christ must be declared… words of hope… “You believe in God. Believe also in ME. In My Father’s house are many dwelling places. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go, I will return again, that where I am, there you may be also.” Now is the day of salvation. A time for people to hear Christ’s words and do them. A time to find purpose in a life of obedience. An opportunity to build a new house upon the unshakable Rock.
Hundreds are hearing. Many are starting over. Building differently. They gather in vacant lots and request the Word of God. They stand in tents and repent of past choices. They begin to store up treasures in heaven.
Portoviejo, Ecuador – Our Home City
What is the biggest need the people have right now? I have been asked this question dozens of times since the April 16th earthquake. One answer continues to rise up amidst so much need… people need hope and they need purpose. It is the same need they had before that fateful day, but now it seen so clearly. Now is the day of salvation. A time for people to hear Christ’s words and do them. A time to find purpose in a life of obedience. An opportunity to build a new house upon the unshakable Rock.
Each life lived whether great or small, honored or despised, will either be a great tragedy of something precious that is forever lost or an epic of great salvation and eternal love.
Recent News and Events
KIDStory Training in Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua Finished 3-day training in Nicaragua with 117 amazing people who are ready to disciple kids for Christ. What a privilege! Steve Nine
Grace in 2016
GRACE… God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work. TNSP has received an abundance of Grace in 2016. Provision came in many shapes and sizes: relief supplies for earthquake victims, people ready to serve, connections with churches and ministries, donations […]
North Coast KIDStory Club
The newest KIDStory Club on the North Coast. Their building was destroyed in the earthquake.
Community Tent
The community tent completes 4 months of daily service to the refugees.
Esmeraldas KIDStory..!!!
Giving – a great week!
What a great week last week! We trucked 6 tons of food and clothing north to churches and feeding centers! Best part was sharing Christ with 60 kids. This week we return to train the churches. Keep us in prayer.
Leaving for Chamanga a little town of the coast one the affected zones of the earthquake of April 16 in Manabi and Esmeraldas, 92% of their homes are down and affected, 1000 people are being feed everyday by different donations, they don’t have drinkable water yet. We are taking provisions, shoes, food and clothing for […]
Blessings and Fellowship
Great time! Great connections of God! We declare blessings over the ministry for Chamanga, a small town of the coast that was severely damaged from the earthquake. 92% of the houses and buildings were destroyed.
Bless Music, Worship Night
July 23, 2016 Night of blessing together with Bless Music! Your presence, God, flooded our worship!